Timeless Land
Words & Music Phyl Lobl; Sung by Kate Delaney
I wrote this song sometime in the mid to late seventies. Born of a fear that we were losing the land, a fear that the centre would become a Nuclear Dump, of a realisation that too many Australians didn't think and didn't care about the land. At the time no-one seemed to take notice of it so I never recorded it myself but it was included in the book of my songs called 'Songs of A Bronzewing' under the title 'The Land'. Using that title Perth group 'Loaded Dog' were the first to record it on their album 'A Coastline Facing West'. It was also included on a performance CD of a Loosely Woven concert and sung there by Chris Wheeler & Kate Delaney.
Here, Kate Delaney, one of Australia's most accomplished singers of traditional song has given permission to use her recording of it which is found on her very, very fine CD 'A Moment In Time' . Arrangement, accompaniment & recording Michael Roberts of Musyks Productions.