Writing a Limrick
A Limerick is a special style of rhyme that uses a five line pattern which was originated by Edward Lear but which is now a traditional form. The given samples are pithy rather than funny but most limericks are comic.
Children can imitate and use this pattern to develop 'rhyme scanning skills' which could be one step on the road toward song writing.
Finding an interesting or funny finishing line is often the first line to write, not necessarily the last line to write.
Given here is a 'blue-print' to help get things started.
Find samples to illustrate and promote ‘clever’ and not just crass comic writing.
Example 1
Example 2
Line 1 Rhyme 1
There's only one thing to be said,
There's a TV set inside your head,
Line 2 Rhyme 1
Books really are meant to be read,
The 'On' switch is words that are read,
Line 3 Rhyme 2
Not red like a rose,
When Mum says 'TELLY OFF',
Line 4 Rhyme 2
Or a kid's sunburnt nose,
Don't whinge cry and scoff,
Line 5 Rhyme 1
But with eyes and the brain in your head.
Use a book and your 'head set' instead.

Example 1
Example 2
Line 1 Rhyme 1
There's only one thing to be said,
There's a TV set inside your head,
Line 2 Rhyme 1
Books really are meant to be read,
The 'On' switch is words that are read,
Line 3 Rhyme 2
Not red like a rose,
When Mum says 'TELLY OFF',
Line 4 Rhyme 2
Or a kid's sunburnt nose,
Don't whinge cry and scoff,
Line 5 Rhyme 1
But with eyes and the brain in your head.
Use a book and your 'head set' instead.
Rhythm Pattern
Line 1 Rhyme 1 4 beats
Line 2 Rhyme 1 4 beats
Line 3 Rhyme 2 2 beats
Line 4 Rhyme 2 2 beats
Line 5 Rhyme 1 4 beats
The four beat lines often have a pattern that sound like:
da da-da-da da-da-da daaaa-aaaa
The two beat lines often have a pattern that sound like:
da da-da-da daa
Procedure 1.
1. Think of a first line for Line 1.
2. Make a list of words that rhyme with the last word or syllable.
3. Choose one of the words and think of a sentence to go in front of it.
4. Think of a Line 4
Make a list of words that rhyme with it.
Choose one and try to think what could come in front of it.
Go back to your FIRST LIST of words and try each of the words and see if you can get a good ending idea.
Limerick Rhyming Patterns
Line 1 Rhyme 1
Line 2 Rhyme 1
Line 3 Rhyme 2
Line 4 Rhyme 2
Line 5 Rhyme 1
Rhythm Pattern
Line 1 Rhyme 1 4 beats
Line 2 Rhyme 1 4 beats
Line 3 Rhyme 2 2 beats
Line 4 Rhyme 2 2 beats
Line 5 Rhyme 1 4 beats
The four beat lines often have a pattern that sound like:
da da-da-da da-da-da daaaa-aaaa
The two beat lines often have a pattern that sound like:
da da-da-da daa
Procedure 1.
1. Think of a first line for Line 1.
2. Make a list of words that rhyme with the last word or syllable.
3. Choose one of the words and think of a sentence to go in front of it.
4. Think of a Line 4.
5. Make a list of words that rhyme with it.
6. Choose one and try to think what could come in front of it.
7. Go back to your FIRST LIST of words and try each of the words and see if you can get a good ending idea.
Line 1 ..............................................................................
Line 2 ..............................................................................
Line 3 .................................................................
Line 4 .................................................................
Line 5 ..............................................................................
Possible First Rhyme Words:
Possible Second Rhyme Words:
Procedure 2.
1. Think of what you want your last line to say.
2. Take the last syllable and make a list of words that rhyme with it.
3. Try each word on your list and see if it gives you an idea for the starting line.
4. Try each word and see if it gives you an idea for the second line.
5. Get an idea for the THIRD LINE by thinking of an end word.
6. Make a list of words that rhyme with the third line ending.
7. Try each one to see if it gives you an idea.
Line 1 ..............................................................................
Line 2 ..............................................................................
Line 3 .................................................................
Line 4 .................................................................
Line 5 ..............................................................................
Possible First Rhyme Words:
Possible Second Rhyme Words: