Movement Rhymes & Characters

Mac is a 1 syllable word.
Walk is a 1 syllable word.
Walk equals to 1 beat.
Walking drawn as lines it could look like this.
Movement Rhyme

Drum-stick is a 2 syllable word.
jogg-ing is a 2 syllable word.
Jogg-ing is equal to 1/2+ 1/2 beat.
Jogg-ing drawn as lines could look like this.
Movement Rhyme

Litt-le-chick-en is a 4 syllable word group.
runn-ing-fast-er is a 4 syllable word group
Runn-ing-fast-er is equal to 1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4 beat.
Runn-ing-fast-er drawn as lines could look like this.
Movement Rhyme

Lamb-chop has a long syllable then short syllable.
Step-hop can be said with a long sound and a short sound.
Ste(e)p-hop is equal to 3/4 +1/4 of a beat.
Step-hop skipping drawn as lines could look like this.
Movement Rhyme

Peg-as-us is a 3 syllable word.
Gall-op-ing is a 3 syllable word.
Gall-op-ing is equal to 1/3+1/3+1/3 of a beat.
Gall-op-ing drawn as a lines could look like this.
Movement Rhyme

Roo is a 1 syllable word that can be stretched Rooooooooo.
Juuuuuump is word that can be stretched over 2 beats.
Juu-uump was drawn as lines could look like this.
Movement Rhyme