Dandling Songs 1
This music file contains the songs: O Mississipio, Up in The North, Kafoozalum, Lillibolero, Coulter's Candy, Riding Oz.

(England Traditional)
O Mississippio had a little baby ‘O,
Wrapped it all in calico riding on a donkey.
O Mrs Epple (Ethel?) White are you comin’ out tonight,
You look such a bonny sight riding on a donkey.
(England Traditional)
Up in the North and a long way off,
The donkey’s got the whooping cough,
He coughed so hard that his head fell off, (Put child on floor)
Up in the North and a long way off. (On the word ‘Up’ lift the child up)
(England Traditional)
O Kafoozalum, Kafoozalum,
O Kafoozalum riding on a donkey.
I’m a traveller can’t you see, (Whisper in child’s ear) just come in for cup-o-tea.
Now I’m off upon a spree riding on a donkey.
O Kafoozalum, Kafoozalum,
O Kafoozalum I just got off m’ donkey. (Take child off knee)
(England Traditional)
O bolero Lillibolero, lillibolero, lillibola,
Lillibolero, lillibolero, lillybolero lillibola.
Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross,
See a fine lady on a white horse,
Rings on her fingers bells on her toes,
She shall have music where ever she goes.
O bolero Lillibolero, lillibolero, lillibola,
Lillibolero, lillibolero, lillybolero lillibola.
(Scottish Traditional)
Allee, allee bally bally bee sittin’ on your mammy’s knee,
Weepin’ for a wee bawbee to buy Coulter’s Candy.
Our wee Ginny was getting might thin,
Just a wriggle of bones covered o’er with skin.
Now she’s gettin’ a wee double chin, from eating Coulter’s candy.
(Tickle under chin)
Words & Music: Phyl Lobl
How would you like to be riding up to Sydney, (Bounce on knee)
Or would you rather be staying down in Melbourne. (Straighten Knee)
You could ride across to Perth, (Bounce right)
Back again for all you’re worth, (Bounce left)
Or take a little ship and go to Hobart. (Slide baby down to ankle)