Dames and Daredevils for Democracy
Complied and written by Phyl Lobl
Illustration by Sputnik Lobl
'A Bright Progressive Band' they were called.
DAMES & DAREDEVILS FOR DEMOCRACY is a presentation that charts the development of Women's Suffrage in Australia through ten strategies & featuring ten prominent Australian suffragists. The progress is marked by their lives, their actions, their artistic products and by the use of songs and monologues.
Researched and created by Phyl Lobl, the production shows just what 'grand dames and daredevils' they were. They took us from the Hat Box to the Ballot Box and then helped women in England and America get there too. Australia was the first country to have
both the Right to Vote and the Right to Stand for parliament. They were daring, resilient, intelligent and compassionate yet very few Australians know their names.
The show was first performed as a ‘Folk Doco’ at the National Folk Festival in Canberra 2013.Later it was performed in Kiama with assistance from a Kiama Council grant.
In a similar understanding to the saying 'It takes a village to raise a child', 'It takes a theatre company to raise a Show'. The show 'DAMES & DAREDEVILS FOR DEMOCRACY' has been raised to an ‘historical, theatrical, musical romp’ by MAGDA ARTZ theatre company based in Brisbane.
Under the stage direction of Jan Nary, music direction of Anne
Bermingham, and as a production of Theatre Company Director of
Magda Artz Mervyn Langford.

Get a copy of Dames and Daredevils for Democracy songbook