Body Play Songs
Body awareness is an important brain development for future physical development and these traditional rhymes have a role in that area.
This music file contains the songs: Knees Knees, Head and Shoulders, Under the Water, Can You Keep a Secret, Pitty Patty Polt, Dance Little Baby.

Adapted from Traditional song / Phyl Lobl
Knees knees jolly fat knees what gave you such jolly fat knees.
Lots of bread and butter vegemite and cheese.
That’s what gave you jolly fat knees.
Head and shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head and shoulders knees and toes knees and toes,
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Head and shoulders knees and toes knees and toes.
Teeth and elbows, tummies, nose, tummies nose,
Teeth and elbows, tummies, nose, tummies nose,
Teeth and elbows tummies and nose.
Teeth and elbows, tummies, nose, tummies nose.
Under the water under the sea,
Catching fishes for my tea,
Dead or alive.
(Hold the child face to face with you.
Bend over on the word ‘Tea’
the child chooses ‘dead’ or ‘alive’.
If ‘dead lay them on the ground.
If ‘alive’ hold them close again.)
Can you keep a secret, (Hold child’s open palm)
I don’t suppose you can, (Tickle palm with finger)
You musn’t laugh, you mustn’t cry, (Keep tickling)
But do the best you can, you can, you can you. (Tickle along arm and into armpit.)
Words & Music: Phyl Lobl
Dance little baby dance up high,
Never mind baby mummy’s close by,
Crow and caper,caper and crow,
There little baby there you go.
Up to the ceiling, down to the ground,
Backwards and forwards round and round.
Dance little baby mummy will sing,
With a merry, merry chorus and a ring-a-ding-ding.